March is National Blog Posting Month! Since I need something to get my blog going again. I am giving myself this goal, to blog everyday in the month of March. I certainly have enough material to post!
The theme for this month is Giving (UP). I don't know if I will follow the theme or not. I do know that I am not ready to give up on this blog so if nothing else the theme is providing me with motivation to NOT give up!
Comments are always good encouragement, especially because I know that someone is actually reading my blog. Feel free to keep me accountable to this goal!
I'm reading it, I'm reading it!
I would have done this also, but I didn't know about it until today... so I already missed the first day of March. Maybe I'll try to post every other day in March. :)
w00t! Glad you're nablopomo-ing too! I've been so slack with my blog writing, reading and commenting lately so I need a swift kick in the blog and I figured nablopomo will help. We'll motivate each other :)
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