Saturday, March 14, 2009

My Weekend!

I'm at a loss tonight for a post but I'm having a fabulous weekend.
My husband and I are visiting our families back home. We got in Friday evening and I decided to crash a friend's party. Several of my friend's were going to be there and none of them knew that I was going to be in town. It was totaaly worth keeping the secret. The look of surprise of their faces was priceless!
The surprise was then on me when my childhood best friend announced to us that she is now pregnant! I was in shock but it was so great to be there in person for the big announcement :) We of course went out to celebrate. I miss having quality girl time and didn't want our night to end but I am thankful for the time I did have with them!
Today we had nice relaxing morning then we went to spend the afternoon with my favorite little girl, my niece! I loved every minute of the time with her and the time with my one and only sister. Then, we went to dinner with my husband's family.
I can't wait to see what fun tomorrow has in store.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!

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