Thursday, November 20, 2008

CEiMB: Oven Fried Chicken

I have been finding it really hard to cook or bake lately. Work is kicking my butt! If that weren't enough, Jake has been super busy. He is gone pretty much every night. So with my work schedule craziness and his work schedule craziness, we have been doing very little cooking. It has been all about convenience these days.

All that to say I had to drag myself into the kitchen last night to make this week's recipe. And so glad I did!!! This week's selection was chosen by MacDuff. He chose this recipe out of a love for fried chicken. I loved this recipe just for the addition of a new chicken recipe.

I made a few alterations. I used white saltines because that is what I buy. I left of the sesame seeds and cayenne pepper because I didn't have any. I subbed in ground pepper and onion powder. I wanted to leave out the Dijon mustard because I really don't like mustard but in the end I found some honey mustard in the fridge and threw it in. I used boneless skinless chicken breasts and made chicken tenders.

I will definitely be making these again. I even cut up the leftovers onto a salad tonight so I had another convenient dinner.

Check out MacDuff's blog for the recipe and the new Craving Ellie in My Belly blog.


What's for Supper? said...

Yours looks great! Glad that you were able to make it.

Anonymous said...

Looks great! Love the addition of onion powder!!

CB said...

Ooohhh good idea using leftovers with salad! Bummer work is kicking your butt :( Doesn't work know that you have blog friends that need frequent Beth updates? ;) Glad you and J enjoyed the recipe!
Clara @ iheartfood4thought

Cathy said...

They look great! I think this is a recipe that even works well on the busy days; they came together pretty quickly! Glad that you enjoyed them!

Marthe said...

Great minds think alike!! I took the leftover chicken to work to mix with a salad! Glad you liked this!

Heather B said...

This would be great in a salad! Great job!